Sunday, December 14, 2008

Are you ready?!?

I did promise 3 days and alas it has been 4.  Sorry about that- there were proper people that needed to receive our news before Blog World did.

 After no further ado- I must let you all know that our sweet family of 6 will now be a sweet, even more chaotic family of 7. That's right folks, we are pregnant with another little blessing.

I am due August 3rd, however since I will be having a scheduled C-section(Mason was born via C-section due to severe preeclampsia and I attempted a VBAC with Will, however my preeclampsia mildly resurfaced at 37 weeks. Since I had major complications with my first pregnancy, and the signs were there that it was headed that way again, doctors and Matt and I decided to opt for a C-section again. Now, having 2 under my belt, my only option is a C-section.) my doctor has already told me that I will be delivering in late July.

Let me answer a few questions that I know will surface:

1. This pregnancy was PLANNED! I always knew I wanted Will and the next baby to be very close together in age. Knowing this, we never took any precautions to stop future children. I nursed until very recently and that halted any conception efforts. However, Will then decided to go on a nursing strike and Hello Baby!!

2. Yes, Will is 8 months old and having a baby in July will make my youngest babies 15 months apart. I cannot even express how thrilled I am! I have talked with many brave moms who have blazed the trails before me and they all say the same thing- You adapt. The first three months are the hardest and then it gets easier. 

3. Yes, I do realize I will be pregnant during most of the summer. Seeing as how both my boys were April babies, being pregnant this chunk of the year is very new to me. I am a little nervous about being my biggest in awful heat. 

4. This little bean will be our last. So I am going to cherish every movement, every pound gained,  and every stage. I am working on cherishing the nausea- which has been the most extreme and intense out of all three of my pregnancies. Check back with me when it's gone and then I can trivialize it.

Even after knowing at any moment it was possible for me to be pregnant, when it finally happened, it shocked me to the very core. The third discovery of pregnancy was no less thrilling than the first or the second. I instantly had a thousand and one feelings and thoughts. Am I capable of taking care of three children on a daily basis, two of which will be 15 months apart? With Daphne and Jack here half time, I will be responsible(with the help of my fantastic husband) for 5 little lives. Just say it. 5 LITTLE LIVES! That's enough to make anyone feel sick for a moment.  I felt scared, elated, nervous, nauseous, and then promptly burst into tears. At this point, Matt just held me. Once I calmed down, I realized it is going to be ok. More than ok- it's going to be wonderful. It will be a crazy ride and some may think I am nuts for choosing this voluntarily. I am a little nuts which may be why I am ready for this crazy ride! Bring on the chaos!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Get Ready!

Get ready for it. 

The winds of change are blowing their way into our family. 

I will have some surprises coming your way exactly 3 days from now.

Friday, December 5, 2008


Off to venture into the snow and cold with:

1 very fussy baby with a cold who needs some Motrin.

2 very belated birthday cards that need mailing filled with family pictures as my way of apologizing

3 very important items on the list to buy for our trip to Target.

4 very trustworthy tires on my highly capable LandRover that make me feel safe in the snow with my boys.


5 very good reasons as to why we should just stay home!

You could win!

If any of you lovely blog readers are interested in winning a very neat baby tummy time gift, hop on over to 4 little men blog! It's a great giveaway! Good luck!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rebel For A Cause!

Hello fellow bloggers and friends, 

As many of you know, my heart is near and dear to MckMama and her crew. MckMama is now hosting a Raffle-Way(raffle, giveaway) to raise money for families dealing with a fatal diagnosis for their unborn babies( I can't even imagine) and also for two organizations that help families adopt special needs children from China. 

So- go to her blog and chip in!! Just click on the Rebel for a Cause icon on my sidebar and it will take you straight to where you need to be. It's only $10.00 for a raffle ticket, which enters you for some AMAZING prizes, including a Canon camera and tons of other fun camera toys.

Good luck!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Not Me Monday- Round 3

It's time once again, for Not Me Monday! Head over to MckMama's blog to see what other bloggers did not do this past week.

-I did not let Will drink orange juice out of his older brother's sippy cup just because it was on the floor of the living room, and he crawled(in record speed, I might add) over to it. No, Not Me! 

-I also was not somewhat proud that my 8 month old can drink out of a sippy cup.

-Speaking of 8 months old, I did not have to count and count again the months since Will's birth because I could not believe that my sweet baby is 4 months away from being 1 year old! No, Not Me!

-I did not try to help pass a Thanksgiving dish when I already had my hands full with the baby and I certainly did not drop lid of said dish on my mother in law's Rosenthal china set and break the plate. No, Not Me!

-After not breaking said plate, I certainly did not justify it by saying, "Well, that's the china set my husband will inherit, so really it's ours, so really it's ok." No, Not Me!

- I did not blow off friends, my sister and family member's phone calls because I am not feeling so sick that even talking on the phone feels like a huge task. No, Not Me!

-Because I did not feel sick this week, I certainly did not walk around in my bathrobe for 4 out of the 7 days this week. No, Not Me!'s your turn. What did you not do this week?